《122cc太阳集成游戏杂志》学术会议5月18日邀请报告——On the Stability of Homogeneous Equilibria of the Vlasov-Poisson System
报告人:Alexandru Ionescu (Princeton University)
时间:2024-05-18 09:00-10:00
地点:镜春园82号甲乙丙楼报告厅(Zoom ID:991 1634 0575, 密码:917154)
报告摘要:I will discuss the topic of linear and nonlinear stability of homogeneous equilibria among solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system, both in the unconfined Euclidean space and in the confined periodic domains. The Euclidean problem differs significantly from the classical work on Landau damping in the periodic setting, in several ways. Most importantly, the linearized problem cannot satisfy a “Penrose condition”. As a result, our system contains resonances (small divisors) and the electric field can decay at most polynomially. This is joint work with Benoit Pausader, Xuecheng Wang, and Klaus Widmayer.