《122cc太阳集成游戏杂志》学术会议5月19日邀请报告——Homotopy Groups of Spheres
报告人:徐宙利 (University of California San Diego)
时间:2024-05-19 16:20-17:20
报告摘要:Up to continuous deformations, all based continuous maps between two spheres form an abelian group, and is called a homotopy group of the target sphere. It turns out that determination of these groups is a very hard problem in topology. The structures of the homotopy groups of spheres are closely related to many topics in topology, such as the Hopf invariant problem, the Kervaire invariant problem, and the number of smooth structures on a given sphere. In this talk, I will review some classical and recent methods of computing these groups, and discuss a new result joint with Weinan Lin and Guozhen Wang.